Air Quality Science: Lab & Fields
Knez, L., Eckl, M., Waldmann, P., Roiger, A., Crawford, J.H., Diskin, G.S., DiGangi, J.P., Choi, Y., Gatebe, C.K., Dean-Day, J.M., Poudyal, R., and Bennett, J.R.
AGU, Annual Meeting, 2025, Washington, DC, USA, 09-13 December ; 2024
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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a very potent and long-lived greenhouse gas with a global warming potential that is up to 300 times higher than for carbon dioxide. Up to 40% of global N2O emissions are anthropogenic, mainly from agriculture, industry and fossil fuels. As the growth rate of atmospheric N2O has accelerated in the last decades (especially in East and Southeast Asia), efficient N2O mitigation strategies are urgently needed, for which precise emissions data is crucial. However, bottom-up emission estimates are highly uncertain because of the complex nature of N2O sources, but also because of missing measurements or top-down studies. For a better understanding of N2O emissions in East and Southeast Asia more top-down measurements are necessary.
Here we present the first results of the aircraft campaign ASIA-AQ conducted by NASA and partners in February and March 2024. Onboard NASA’s DC-8 we operated a commercial MIRO MGA QCL absorption spectrometer specifically adapted for airborne measurements, measuring N2O, methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO) in four Asian countries, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. During 138 flight hours we gained a rich and unique N2O in-situ dataset above East and Southeast Asia. In each country, respectively, the same flight pattern was repeated several times with regular profiles along the flight track within the boundary layer allowing for characterization of the vertical and horizontal distributions of each species. Each pattern covered urban, maritime, and agricultural areas. The typical variability for N2O was 1-5 ppb and the highest enhancement of up to 70 ppb was measured in the urban area of Lampang, northern Thailand. Downwind of and above major cities like Seoul (South Korea) and Manila (Philippines) and also at the west coast of Taiwan large N2O enhancements of up to 20 ppb were observed, as well. In agricultural areas such as around Daegu in the southeast of South Korea or in central west Thailand higher concentrations of N2O were found. Here we present the horizontal and vertical distribution of N2O and its variability and discuss the most interesting case studies by combining our measurements with models and emission inventories. This will lead to a better understanding of N2O emissions and distribution in East and Southeast Asia.
Air Quality Science: Lab & Fields
Kyle Johnson, E. Beamesderfer, E. V. Fischer, D. C. Guevara, A. G. Hallar, R. A. Hannun, H. Humble, J. C. Lin, B. McGuire, J. Nivitanont, M. Ostlie, I. B. Pollack, A. Robertson, and D. Caulton
105th American Meterological Society Annual Meeting 2025; 2025
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The MIRO MGA-10 GP Gas Analyzer is a laser-based gas analyzer that is capable of measuring ten different atmospheric trace gases (CO2, CO, CH4, NH3, O3, NO, NO2, SO2, OCS, H2O). Characterization of this instrument is being conducted through laboratory and field tests, comparisons with other instruments, and multi-point calibrations. This process allows for the characterization of the instrument in a variety of different environments, including how its accuracy and precision are compared to other instruments, and how well it performs when measuring known concentrations of gases across its detection range.
The motivation for the characterization of the MIRO MGA-10 GP is derived from its potential to reduce the number of instruments needed onboard both airborne and ground-based campaigns, due to its ability to measure a wide variety of trace gases. This would lead to a reduction in payload, power consumption, and space required onboard a vehicle or aircraft. Since this instrument has not been thoroughly characterized, especially on airborne platforms, it is deemed important by the authors to fully understand its performance and measurement characteristics before it is recommended for use by the University of Wyoming’s King Air facility, which can be accessed by outside groups through NSF funding.
The MIRO MGA-10 GP was tested in the lab alongside a Picarro model G2401-m, which measures carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor. Ambient lab air was sampled by both instruments for long durations on two separate occasions. It was shown by the data from the lab tests that the precision values quoted by the manufacturer for these four gas species were matched or exceeded by the MIRO MGA-10 GP, and precision values comparable to the Picarro were also observed. The correlation between both instruments was found to be very high, with R-squared values above 0.9 for each of the four gas species. Although this data is promising, it only encompasses four of the ten species that the MIRO MGA-10 GP is capable of measuring.
Another MIRO MGA-10 GP unit was tested as part of the Salt Lake City Summer Ozone Study (SLCSOS) campaign in Salt Lake City, which investigated concentrations of harmful trace gases in the Salt Lake City metro and surrounding areas. The characterization of the instrument in a mobile ground-based platform was enabled by this campaign, and comparisons with other instruments concurrently measuring the same species (NO, NO2, O3, CH4, CO2, CO, H2O) were also provided. Results from the intercomparison of all instruments will be presented, and future plans for flight testing will be discussed.
Air Quality Science: Lab & Fields
Subramaniam, L., Engelsberger, F., Wolf, B., Brüggemann, N.,Philippot, L., Dannenmann, M., Butterbach‑Bahl, K.
Biol. Fertil. Soils; 2020
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Nitric oxide (NO) is a key substance in atmospheric chemistry, influencing the formation and destruction of tropospheric ozone and the atmosphere's oxidizing capacity. It also affects the physiological functions of organisms. NO is produced, consumed, and emitted by soils, the effects of soil NO concentrations on microbial C and N cycling and associated trace gas fluxes remain largely unclear. This study describes a new automated 12-chamber soil mesocosm system that dynamically changes incoming airflow composition. It was used to investigate how varying NO concentrations affect soil microbial C and N cycling and associated trace gas fluxes under different moisture conditions (30% and 50% WFPS). Based on detection limits for NO, NO2, N2O, and CH4 fluxes of < 0.5 µg N or C m−2 h−1 and for CO2 fluxes of < 1.2 mg C m−2 h−1, we found that soil CO2, CH4, NO, NO2, and N2O were significantly affected by different soil moisture levels. After 17 days cumulative fluxes at 50% WFPS increased by 40, 400, and 500% for CO2, N2O, and CH4, respectively, when compared to 30% WFPS. However, cumulative fluxes for NO, and NO2, decreased by 70, and 50%, respectively, at 50% WFPS when compared to 30% WFPS. Different NO concentrations tended to decrease soil C and N fluxes by about 10–20%. However, with the observed variability among individual soil mesocosms and minor fluxes change. In conclusion, the developed system effectively investigates how and to what extent soil NO concentrations affect soil processes and potential plant–microbe interactions in the rhizosphere.
Air Quality Science: Lab & Fields
Aduse-Poku, M., Rohrer F., Winter B., Edelmann H. G.
SSRN; 2023
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How much do specific climbing plants contribute to the cleansing or absorption of harmful greenhouse and pollutant gases; often regarded as the main environmental threat in cities due to their adverse effects on human health? One of the main hurdles in the quantification of such ecosystem services is associated with the difficulty to obtain and design systems that provide detailed information on the interaction between various gases and the plant in question. To tackle these questions, two highly precise and accurate instruments, namely a mid-infrared laser absorption spectrometer (TDL) and a cavity-ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) were used to monitor the fate of gases when exposed to façade climbing plants like ivy. In a laboratory setting, a relaxation type of experiment was used consisting of a reaction chamber equipped with plant species and continuously flushed by synthetic air. This setup was used to determine the timescales of decay after short injections of the above-mentioned gases. After these injections, all gases followed simple exponential decay curves. N2O, a non-reactive (inert) tropospheric gas, was used as a reference to which all other gases were compared and thereby quantified. This paper focuses on the detailed description of methods and processes to analyse the gas-absorptive behaviour of plants when exposed to gaseous pollutants. For demonstration purposes, quantified absorption features of nitrogen oxide (NO2) are presented for ivy of the variety Hedera helix “Plattensee”. Results of this method of quantification showed that - as compared to N2O (control), - NO2 had a reduced residence time (time scale) of 100 s, while N2O resulted in a 600 s residence time (indicating no interference with the plant). This is equivalent to a 0.3 cm/s deposition velocity/ absorption rate of NO2 under light conditions.
Keywords: Hedera helix, Air phytoremediation, Climbing plants, time scale decay, Residence time, Reactivity, Deposition velocity, Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Science: Lab & Fields
Kelsch, A., Claß, M., Humza, M., Brüggemann, N.
Wageningen soil conference, Netherlands, August 28 - September 2023,; 2023
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Regional estimates of NH3 emissions are often missing data from heterogeneous or small fields. Areas with no experienced staff or in-field power supply also prevent the use of accurate and fully established micrometeorological measurement techniques.The Dräger Tube method (DTM) is a calibrated open-dynamic chamber method, which requires little training to use and is comparatively inexpensive. It uses NH3 detector tubes, an automatic pump, as well as a chamber system comprised of four stainless steel chambers connected with PTFE tubing. Even though the DTM is used in countries such as Germany and China, the measurement accuracy and sensitivity have not been tested yet.In order to quantify the accuracy and sensitivity of the DTM, we simultaneously measured defined NH3 concentrations with the Dräger Tubes, a multi gas analyzer (MGA-7, MIRO Analytical AG, Switzerland) and a G2103 (Picarro, Inc., USA). Second, we tested the exchange of the tubing material or heating of the tubing under laboratory conditions, as well as surface coating or treatment of the DTM chamber system during outdoor measurements, on performance improvements.Results showed that the Dräger detector tubes considerably underestimated NH3 concentrations compared to the other devices, particularly at low NH3 concentrations. The PTFE tubing material showed the best performance of all tested tubing materials regarding response time, which was further improved by heating of the tubing to 50°C. The modifications performed during the outdoor experiment did not lead to any improvements of NH3 measurements.We conclude that the DTM is unable to reliably quantify NH3 emissions.
Air Quality Science: Lab & Fields
Eckl, M., Roiger, A., Gottschaldt, K., Waldmann, P., Knez, L., Förster, E., Mallaun, C., Röckmann, T., Hutjes, R., Chen, H., Gerbig, C., Galkowski, M., Kiemle, C.
AGU, Annual Meeting, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA, 11-15 December ; 2023
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Agriculture is the most important anthropogenic emission sector of the long-living greenhouse gases nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) and thus significantly contributes to global warming. The Netherlands exhibits one of the most intensive agriculture worldwide and hence constitutes a European and even global hotspot of agricultural N2O and CH4 emissions. However, the challenging nature of these type of emissions (diffuse area source, large temporal variability, spatial heterogeneity) results in sparse observations and poor model estimates. Hence, agricultural emissions are highly uncertain, especially on a regional scale, hindering the development of effective mitigation strategies. For a better understanding of this important source sector new observational methods and better process understanding is needed.
Here we present our first results of the in-situ aircraft campaign Greenhouse Gas Monitoring (GHGMon) which took place in the Netherlands in June 2023. We conducted 14 science flights using the DLR Cessna in order to characterize agricultural N2O and CH4 emissions in selected areas of this important source region. The DLR Cessna was equipped with a newly developed eddy-covariance system capable of measuring fluxes of N2O and CH4 directly. This will provide additional insights about the underlying emission processes. During the 45 flight hours we were able to study different agricultural subsectors repeatedly and under various meteorological conditions (i.e. before and after rainy periods). We observed large gradients of N2O and CH4 both within the planetary boundary layer (PBL) as well as between the free troposphere and the PBL. First analysis of the turbulence spectra shows a strong correlation between the vertical wind and trace gas concentrations, indicating the measured vertical flux of N2O and CH4. This extensive dataset will lead to a better understanding of the summertime agricultural emissions in the Netherlands.
Air Quality Science: Lab & Fields
Hilland, R., Hashemi, J., Rubli, P., Stagakis, S., Emmenegger, L., Hammer, S., Vogt, R., Christen, A.
AGU, Annual Meeting, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA, 11-15 December; 2023
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In-situ measurements of urban greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions play a critical role in quantifying cities’ contributions to regional and global emissions and help to both create and validate GHG emission inventories and models. Cities are complex environments containing a multitude of anthropogenic emission sources such as traffic, residential, industrial, etc. Correct sectoral attribution of urban GHG emissions is therefore necessary to monitor emission reduction efforts, to improve validation of emission inventories, and to separate anthropogenic from biogenic emissions.
The eddy-covariance (EC) method generally provides a net carbon dioxide (CO2) flux that integrates all emission sources and sinks and their respective source areas, and includes both anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 fluxes. As part of the EU-funded Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) PAUL (Pilot Applications in Urban Landscapes) project, a tall-tower EC system was one of many systems installed in the centre of Zurich, Switzerland, to explore the potential of concurrently measured fluxes of co-emitted species to support the attribution of CO2 fluxes to fossil fuel sources over their characteristic diurnal, weekly, and seasonal cycles at the city scale.
On a 16.5 m communications mast atop a residential building (112 m above ground level), an open-path EC system (IRGASON, Campbell Scientific) was installed to provide EC fluxes of CO2. A co-located closed-path fast-response multi-species gas analyser (MGA7, MIRO Analytical) provided 10 Hz measurements of CO2, CO, CH4, NO, NO2, and N2O, from which EC fluxes were calculated.
Both systems operated for 8 months from August 2022 until March 2023. Both fluxes and flux ratios of co-emitted species relative to CO2 are investigated and show strong variability with time (diurnal, weekly, seasonal) and source area within the city. Flux ratios are generally in line with the ratios reported in emission inventories. We discuss the potential and the challenges of using multi-species EC measurements to separate urban GHG emission sources.
Air Quality Industry Science: Lab & Fields
Tillmann, R., Gkatzelis, G. I., Rohrer, F., Winter, B., Wesolek, C., Schuldt, T., Lange, A. C., Franke, P., Friese, E., Decker, M., Wegener, R., Hundt, M., Aseev, O., and Kiendler-Scharr, A.
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 3827–3842; 2022
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A Zeppelin airship was used as a platform for in situ measurements of greenhouse gases and short-lived air pollutants within the planetary boundary layer
(PBL) in Germany. A novel quantum cascade laser-based multi-compound gas analyzer (MIRO Analytical AG) was deployed to simultaneously measure in situ
concentrations of greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, H2O, and CH4) and air pollutants (CO, NO, NO2, O3, SO2, and NH3) with high precision at a measurement rate of
1 Hz. These measurements were complemented by electrochemical sensors for NO, NO2, O
x (NO2 + O3), and CO, an optical particle counter, temperature,
humidity, altitude, and position monitoring. Instruments were operated remotely without the need for on-site interactions. Three 2-week campaigns were
conducted in 2020 comprising commercial passenger as well as targeted flights over multiple German cities including Cologne, Mönchengladbach, Düsseldorf,
Aachen, Frankfurt, but also over industrial areas and highways.
Vertical profiles of trace gases were obtained during the airship landing and take-off. Diurnal variability of the Zeppelin vertical profiles was compared to
measurements from ground-based monitoring stations with a focus on nitrogen oxides and ozone. We find that their variability can be explained by the
increasing nocturnal boundary layer height from early morning towards midday, an increase in emissions during rush hour traffic, and the rapid photochemical
activity midday. Higher altitude (250–450 m) NO
x to CO ratios are further compared to the 2015 EDGAR emission inventory to find that pollutant concentrations
are influenced by transportation and residential emissions as well as manufacturing industries and construction activity. Finally, we report NO
x and CO
concentrations from one plume transect originating from a coal power plant and compare it to the EURopean Air pollution Dispersion-Inverse Modell (EURAD-
IM) model to find agreement within 15 %. However, due to the increased contribution of solar and wind energy and the impact of lockdown measures the
power plant was operating at max. 50 % capacity; therefore, possible overestimation of emissions by the model cannot be excluded.
Air Quality Science: Lab & Fields
Schuldt, T., Gkatzelis, G. I., Wesolek, C., Rohrer, F., Winter, B., Kuhlbusch, T. A. J., Kiendler-Scharr, A., and Tillmann, R.
Atmos. Meas. Tech.; 2023
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In this work, we used a Zeppelin NT equipped with six sensor setups, each composed of four different low-cost electrochemical sensors (ECSs) to measure nitrogen
oxides (NO and NO2), carbon monoxide, and O
x (NO2+O3) in Germany. Additionally, a MIRO MGA laser absorption spectrometer was installed as a reference device for
in-flight evaluation of the ECSs. We report not only the influence of temperature on the NO and NO2 sensor outputs but also find a shorter timescale (1 s) dependence
of the sensors on the relative humidity gradient. To account for these dependencies, we developed a correction method that is independent of the reference
instrument. After applying this correction to all individual sensors, we compare the sensor setups with each other and to the reference device. For the intercomparison
of all six setups, we find good agreements with
R2≥0.8 but different precisions for each sensor in the range from 1.45 to 6.32 ppb (parts per billion). The comparison to
the reference device results in an
R2 of 0.88 and a slope of 0.92 for NO
x (NO+NO2). Furthermore, the average noise (1σ) of the NO and NO2 sensors reduces significantly
from 6.25 and 7.1 to 1.95 and 3.32 ppb, respectively. Finally, we highlight the potential use of ECSs in airborne applications by identifying different pollution sources
related to industrial and traffic emissions during multiple commercial and targeted Zeppelin flights in spring 2020. These results are a first milestone towards the
quality-assured use of low-cost sensors in airborne settings without a reference device, e.g., on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).